2176 Burk Rd Custer, WA - 360-790-0673
About Us
Meet the team
Kimberly Barber
Kirstin Town
Bailee Frerer
The Horses
Team Calendar
Lessons and Training
Lesson Application
Equine Rehabilitation
CSC Events
Camp Registration
Birthday Parties
Ride IEA
Contact Us
Adult Camp 2023 Registration
Welcome to Adult Camp 2023!!!
Indicates required field
Registrant's Name
Primary Discipline
Shirt Size
Briefly describe riding experience.
Horse's name
Phone Number
Dietary restrictions
Will you be sleeping over? If yes, tent or trailer?
Will you need childcare? If so, list names and ages of kids.
You will receive a confirmation email from us within 48 hours after submitting this form which will include a camp packing list and a waiver forms that will need to be signed before camp begins.
Payment is due upon registration and can be paid via Venmo @OrionEquestrian, Paypal @
[email protected]
or by check made out to and mailed to Kimberly Barber, 9375 Sunrise Rd Blaine, WA 98230. Refunds will be given up until 8/13 less $25 office fee and after with doctor or vet note.
We look forward to seeing you at camp!